1. Steps to Homeownership
- Eligible Homebuyers Complete Registration MHIP REGISTRATION
- Email your Mortgage Pre-Qualification Letter to
2. VSHA will notify you by e-mail on the next steps for purchasing a MHIP home.
- Search Home Listings by County to determine location and home that best fits your needs and budget
3. To secure the home of your choice, provide the following to VSHA:
- Signed Purchase and Sales Agreement (P&S) - First come, first serve
- Deposit to secure home - First come, first serve
- Latest Tax Returns
4. Follow Purchase & Sales Agreement Timeline:
- Apply for Park Application
- Apply for Mortgage - Within 10 days of P&S Effective Date
- Send Proof of Mortgage Financing - Within 45 day of P&S Effective Date
- Before Mortgage Closing, Approved Park Lot Lease Agreement - Date Signed
- Mortgage Closing - Within 75 day of P&S Effective Date
Congratulations, on your new home!
Not quite ready for homeownership. No problem
This is a good time to take a homebuyer education course, reach out to financial lender(s), and prepare for homeownership. Additional homes will be available soon, check back often. See Homebuyer Resources
Recommended/Optional Steps
Make your dream of homeownership a reality.